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  • Call 2 Care

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 🪓

Two weeks ago today, our beautiful tree in the Gogos Garden in Gugulethu fell over from the powerful South-Easter Winds. It was a sad day because there were at least 30 bird nests in the tree. But mostly was concerning, because the tree fell over onto the security fence, making the garden an easy target for opportunists.

So we acted fast. We figured that the land might be City of Cape Town property so had hoped the municipality would assist, but in the event that it didn't, asked our audiences what they're advice was:

And came to realize that the land is privately owned, and in therefore took the matters into our own hands.

Zipho, the incredible iGardi Project Operations Lead, lead the way in sawing the tree into smaller pieces for us to centralize and use in the future.

The job took about 1.5 hours in total to complete, as we had the incredible support of all the Gogos and members of the Gugulethu community.

Even Alex, the iGardi Project Founder, used the Chain Saw for the first time in her life. (Note to self: There is no need to saw the chainsaw back and forth while using it, as it already does the job for you 😂).

The final job was to fix the fence and secure the space again.

It was a fun morning, with moments of caution and yells of "Becareful!",loads of laughs, and overall an incredible job done!

Support our initiative by Volunteering at one of our iGardi Days, Donating to the cause, or contact us to get your team involved in a Corporate Volunteering Session or Corporate Social Initiative. The iGardi Project, an initiative of Call 2 Care, is is an effective way to help increase the diversity of food and nutrition in underserved communities through our efficient and simple model of sustainable food gardening.

The iGardi Project serves to educate and empowers individuals to increase food security, education and employment opportunities.

The iGardi Project delivers a holistic service of implementing thriving gardens while hosting training within communities to ensure that anyone is able to grow their own nutritious food sustainably. The iGardi Project ensures local community involvement and community ownership. 

By connecting corporates, volunteer, government affiliates and private citizens, the iGardi provides an avenue for investment and support, inviting anyone to make a difference to a community in need


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