Thanks to the sponsorship and support of VPUU - Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading - 4 beautiful thriving gardens were implemented at Charleston Hill Secondary School. The aim of this initiative was to subsidize the feeding scheme with healthy nutritious produce and use the garden as an educational tool.
11 committee members were allocated to use the garden as an educational tool in their curriculum and 6 after school coaches were assigned to start a permaculture gardening club - an after-school program that will teach children where their food comes from. There have been several micro-workshops will Call 2 Care and the teachers of the committee to establish suitable projects for the children around the vegetable gardens and Call 2 Care has set out to provide the school with the supporting material that they need. This school term, the supporting educational material for their gardening projects will be rolled out to each teacher and the after-school program will begin with 20 children of the school.
The school has already harvested about 40 huge bunches of Swiss chard, and continually yields tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and spring onion.